Foro Tattoos
Published 07 Jun 2016 By Scott

He's known for his rugged looks and Irish charm. But actor Colin Farrell appears to be taking steps to shed his bad boy image if his recent tattoo removals are anything to go by. The 38-year-old's...

Manchas que cubren casi todo el cuerpo, líneas geométricas gruesas, puntillismo... El mundo del tatuaje ha evolucionado a tendencias alejadas de lo discreto y sólo aptas para los más atrevidos....

Every year, usually in early March, more than 10,000 people flood into Wat Bang Phra, a Buddhist temple about 30 miles west of Bangkok famed for its magic tattoos and amulets. The participants...

BLACK JACK TATTOO Era il 2004 quando nasceva il Black jack Tattoo, un piccolo studio di tatuaggi e piercing di Verona, aperto da Marco Provolo in via Spolverini. I primi sono stati anni belli...

The Chicago Cubs are a passionate bunch. So much so that one fan got a tattoo across the entire top of his head to pay tribute to his team. They came back from 3-1 down in the World Series...
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